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300.000 €
100% funded by 1751 investors

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  • United State Of America
Providing alternatives for chronic pain with medicinal cannabis.


Valcon Medical A/S is a Danish company specializing in the manufacturing of medical cannabis extracts. Valcon’s mission is to provide patients with access to alternative medications that positively impact health issues such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and other serious conditions. The use of medical cannabis is helping to decrease opioid use, offering a safer option for pain management and tackling the opioid crisis.

To capitalize on the growing demand and expand its product portfolio and distribution network, the promoter is seeking 300.000€ to continue delivering high-quality, therapeutic cannabis solutions to patients across Europe. The funds raised in the campaign will be used to:

  • Expansion of Product Portfolio 
  • Manufacturing Capabilities 
  • Product Development 
  • Technology Upgrades 
  • Operational Expansion 

In recent years, Europe has experienced a historic shift in policy as countries increasingly recognize the medical benefits of cannabis. This transformative change is opening up new markets, providing opportunities for innovation and investment in the medical cannabis sector.

Project Duration corresponds to how long a promoter takes to pay back all the invested capital plus interest.

Providing alternatives for chronic pain with medicinal cannabis.


Valcon Medical A/S is a Danish company specializing in the manufacturing of medical cannabis extracts. Valcon’s mission is to provide patients with access to alternative medications that positively impact health issues such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and other serious conditions. The use of medical cannabis is helping to decrease opioid use, offering a safer option for pain management and tackling the opioid crisis.

To capitalize on the growing demand and expand its product portfolio and distribution network, the promoter is seeking 300.000€ to continue delivering high-quality, therapeutic cannabis solutions to patients across Europe. The funds raised in the campaign will be used to:

  • Expansion of Product Portfolio 
  • Manufacturing Capabilities 
  • Product Development 
  • Technology Upgrades 
  • Operational Expansion 

In recent years, Europe has experienced a historic shift in policy as countries increasingly recognize the medical benefits of cannabis. This transformative change is opening up new markets, providing opportunities for innovation and investment in the medical cannabis sector.

Nominal interest rate
The normal interest rate is used to calculate the earnings of each instalment. To know how much you will earn on your next instalment, divide the nominal interest rate by the number of payments that year (12 if the project has a monthly periodicity) and multiply it by the capital outstanding in that month.

Providing alternatives for chronic pain with medicinal cannabis.


Valcon Medical A/S is a Danish company specializing in the manufacturing of medical cannabis extracts. Valcon’s mission is to provide patients with access to alternative medications that positively impact health issues such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and other serious conditions. The use of medical cannabis is helping to decrease opioid use, offering a safer option for pain management and tackling the opioid crisis.

To capitalize on the growing demand and expand its product portfolio and distribution network, the promoter is seeking 300.000€ to continue delivering high-quality, therapeutic cannabis solutions to patients across Europe. The funds raised in the campaign will be used to:

  • Expansion of Product Portfolio 
  • Manufacturing Capabilities 
  • Product Development 
  • Technology Upgrades 
  • Operational Expansion 

In recent years, Europe has experienced a historic shift in policy as countries increasingly recognize the medical benefits of cannabis. This transformative change is opening up new markets, providing opportunities for innovation and investment in the medical cannabis sector.

Project Duration corresponds to how long a promoter takes to pay back all the invested capital plus interest.

Providing alternatives for chronic pain with medicinal cannabis.


Valcon Medical A/S is a Danish company specializing in the manufacturing of medical cannabis extracts. Valcon’s mission is to provide patients with access to alternative medications that positively impact health issues such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and other serious conditions. The use of medical cannabis is helping to decrease opioid use, offering a safer option for pain management and tackling the opioid crisis.

To capitalize on the growing demand and expand its product portfolio and distribution network, the promoter is seeking 300.000€ to continue delivering high-quality, therapeutic cannabis solutions to patients across Europe. The funds raised in the campaign will be used to:

  • Expansion of Product Portfolio 
  • Manufacturing Capabilities 
  • Product Development 
  • Technology Upgrades 
  • Operational Expansion 

In recent years, Europe has experienced a historic shift in policy as countries increasingly recognize the medical benefits of cannabis. This transformative change is opening up new markets, providing opportunities for innovation and investment in the medical cannabis sector.